Why You Should Be Packing Your Bags and Traveling to Italy…with Me!

July 6, 2022

The headlines are terrifying: “Travel Nightmare!” “Flight-mare” “Summer Travel in Peril.”

Yikes, right?

So what are we to do? Believe the fear mongering and stay in our backyards for the rest of our days?


I have just returned from eight weeks travel for work all over Italy (filming tv shows and hosting groups) and I am here to tell you that travel is amazing. It’s not at all what you read in the news. After the long pandemic dry spell, travel is back, baby.

And yes, I am fully aware that there can be…challenges when we leave home, but to put it succinctly…so what?

The world is a big, diverse, exciting place and we become better people when we travel. We are more aware of things outside us and our little piece of the world. We realize that people are the same the world over; we want the same things: a good life and our families healthy and safe.

We face many challenges now in our country: from rights we took for granted being pulled out from under us by nine unelected people drunk on their power to literally wondering if we will return home alive from school, food shopping, parties, festivals or other activities outside our homes because of out-of-control gun violence, to a terribly divided nation over seemingly small and petty differences being blown out of proportion by certain media because nothing…and I mean nothing sells like fear and anger, baby.

What’s the answer? Activism and voting, of course. But also, at least for me, I need to leave home for a time to regain my perspective that life is good; that we can be happy; we can love each other; we can have differences and discuss them animatedly…and live to tell about it.

Travel, for me, is about taking a breath. It’s gathering a group of people who know nothing about each other and watching them bond within hours over good food and intelligent conversation. It’s the shared experience of the beauty the world shows us. It’s experiencing history (the good, the bad and the ugly) and seeing that with humanity, there is always hope.

What I love about our trips is the intimacy we create with our groups. Rarely exceeding 16 people, we travel like a big family, immersing ourselves in day to day life and culture so we live like locals for the time we are in a country. Staying in one villa or country house, you settle in, unpack your bags and relax. We take day trips to see what the world around us has to offer, from famous sites to intimate dinners, tastings and even classes that enrich us deeply.

It’s time pack your bags once again, open your hearts and let the world in. You’ll love the richness that comes into your world; you’ll love how differently you see everyone and everything around you.

We have two more trips on offer this year: Tuscany and Rome in September and The gorgeous Amalfi Coast, also in September. Give us a call; book your stay and grab a flight. I guarantee you won’t regret it for one second.

And stay tuned for exciting new destinations in 2025.