No One Should Be Surprised by This One

No One Should Be Surprised by This One

Honestly, I feel like I have written this blog a hundred times before, but here I go again. I recently read two articles that sent my blood pressure soaring. And…

Cooking from the Heart
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Cooking from the Heart

As the holidays come on the horizon in all their twinkling glory, we think about cooking. I confess that I always think about cooking, but that’s me. My passion for…

Food Noise?
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Food Noise?

I am all about food…and wellness. I love the communal, sensual nature of preparing luscious, healthy foods and enjoying them with people I love. As an Italian, we always joke…

Can Vegetables Be Our New Meat?

Can Vegetables Be Our New Meat?

It’s been a bad time recently for meat-and meat eaters. Everywhere they turn, they are faced with studies telling them meat kills, experts advising to quit meat and contaminated meat…

Cranberries for A Healthy Holiday Glow

Cranberries for A Healthy Holiday Glow

As the holiday season kicks into high gear, our thoughts turn to family gatherings and tradition.  Okay, the pressure of holiday shopping is foremost in our thoughts, but stay with…

Let Go…and Do Good

Let Go…and Do Good

I am not a big fan of clutter or accumulating what we don’t need so the rule in our house goes like this: “Have you use this in six months?”…

Happy Healthy Holidays
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Happy Healthy Holidays

I spent a few weeks working in Italy this past summer and fall and was struck by how healthy Italian living feels with its slower pace and relaxed lifestyle. Italians…

Oil or No Oil-That Is the Question

Oil or No Oil-That Is the Question

Not a day goes by that I am not asked about oil. I have to say that while I am honored and thrilled to answer anyone’s questions at any time,…

Shiitake Happens

Shiitake Happens

We may not think of shiitake mushrooms when we think heart health, but we should. I often joke that a true lover would present his or her beloved with a…

Dried Fruit-Healthy or Hype?
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Dried Fruit-Healthy or Hype?

Many of you have heard me say that when that candy bar in your desk drawer is calling your name at snack time…well…there’s a better choice. For many of us,…

Tailgate This!

Tailgate This!

It’s that time of year. We’re all about the Super Bowl. And while the game is the center of the universe for those 4-5 hours, it seems to me that…

Glorious Grapefruit
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Glorious Grapefruit

I don’t know about you, but where I live, when the bone-chilling cold of winter sets in, it feels like it will never thaw.  Steel grey skies, cloudy days and…

Fabulous Fennel

Fabulous Fennel

Growing up in an Italian household, fennel, or finocchio, was a staple on our autumn table.  It wasn’t until I grew up that I discovered that it was rarely used…

Cleaning Up For the New Year
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Cleaning Up For the New Year

It’s the New Year. You’ve made the decision to clean up your eating habits and get fit. Maybe you’ve made this resolution before, but what if it could really “stick”…

Changing How We Think

Changing How We Think

When I was younger and newly vegetarian, I think I had it easier than today. In order to change how I ate, I had to change how I thought about…

Listening In the Kitchen

Listening In the Kitchen

I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.  It’s my job. I love every second of it.  Having worked as an artist in my earlier years, I love the…

Changing Your Mind

Changing Your Mind

No one likes change. It’s uncomfortable and takes us into uncharted territory. It can be scary and we aren’t sure of the results…or consequences. And sometimes, we just get tired…

The Aristocrat of Oranges, The Mandarin

The Aristocrat of Oranges, The Mandarin

I live on the East Coast. Winter sets in with dull, grey, bone-chilling cold days.  Since I can’t always jet off to a tropical paradise for a break from winter…

Discovering the Christmas Spirit

Discovering the Christmas Spirit

I grew up in a wild and crazy Italian and Irish family who seemed to compete for who could yell the loudest or be the most dramatic. We were all…

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” -Dalai Lama Sitting with my godson in an ancient Franciscan monastery in Italy,…

Eating with the Seasons: Winter

Eating with the Seasons: Winter

We live in a great country where we can get any fruit or vegetable at any time of the year. That’s good news and bad news for us. It’s good…

It’s Diabetes Awareness Month

It’s Diabetes Awareness Month

If you watch television for more than 30 seconds, you’ll see an ad for a diabetes drug, with discouraging language for people trying to manage this lifestyle disease on their…

The Salt of the Earth

The Salt of the Earth

I decided to write about salt for a couple of reasons. I adore salt and all it does for my cooking and health, but more important, I am asked about…

An Apple A Day

An Apple A Day

As the cold weather continues to march toward us and autumn is in full blush, is there anything that lifts your spirits quite like crisp, juicy apples spilling out of…

O-o-o-o-o-o-h, Onions

O-o-o-o-o-o-h, Onions

As the weather cools, we turn our attention indoors. We move from the outdoor sizzle of the weather to the indoor sizzle of our skillets.  For some of us onions…

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