As we move forward into these next days, let’s challenge ourselves with lifestyle choices that will result in real radiant health.
Everyone tells us that being healthy is easy (including me…) but is it? We live in a world where we are bombarded by advertisements for food that…on a good day…robs you of your vitality. And then we’re told that we’re worth it. Another voice tells us that we’re entitled to indulgence; we work hard; life is tough; treat yourself to a bag of chips.
You know I’m right.
In the end, we suffer the consequences of being manipulated by marketers. It’s time to stand up for yourself and your health and stop giving in to the white noise that is advertising. They do not care for your health; they care only for their profits.
At first, it ain’t easy. I can tell you that from experience. I remember giving up sugar for my health. It was a long time ago, but I remember it like yesterday. Sugar was everywhere: at work, parties, restaurants, in every product I wanted to buy…sugar was and is insidious. It took thirty miserable days before I felt normal…and freed from the ingredient that was enslaving me. It was a day to celebrate!
Now, all these years later, I can enjoy a bit of sugar here and there with no consequence to my health and wellness and no need to indulge on a daily basis. It’s the ultimate freedom. Imagine your life not governed by cravings. Imagine making healthy choices and finding them delicious, satisfying and your new normal.
That’s what being healthy is all about; making choices that serve the purpose of your life…deliciously.
While obvious, sleep is one of the most essential keys to health. And one of the best ways to ensure great sleep is to stop eating food about 2-3 hours before going to bed so that your body can rest and not work at digestion all night long, leaving you feeling as tired when you get up as when you went to bed. Trust me on this one. That midnight snack is not the best way to have your best day tomorrow. But if you must snack, try something easy to digest so your body is not working so hard all night. Need some help? Try this
yummy and easy-to-digest soup when you have to have ‘a little something’ before bed. You’ll be satisfied and your body will still get its needed rest.
Choose Joy
Joy is serious business and it begins with a smile. It costs nothing; we won’t break a sweat and it changes everyone’s day…and the day of everyone we smile at or with. And a good belly laugh can benefit our health in a number of ways: helping to increase circulation; boost immune function; stabilize blood sugar and help us manage stress. A few yucks every day would make the world a better place.
Eat Greens
We all talk about kale power, but there’s more to leafy green life than just this leafy…although i love it. From collards to mustard greens; watercress to arugula; escarole to rabe; bok choy to broccoli, these powerhouses of nutrition contribute to bone health, heart health and brain clarity. And easy? Just steam, boil, blanche, sauté…or turn them into smoothies or juices…or finely shred and use raw in salads. This time of year, however, nothing warms me up faster than these
steamed greens!
Take A Walk
We are all busy and can’t always get to a gym, but walking? It’s a no-brainer and all you need is a pair of comfortable shoes. The benefits are almost endless and include: engages all large muscle groups; helps reduce body fat; keeps blood sugar stable (especially if we walk after a meal); reduces triglycerides and blood pressure; stimulates the brain; reduces stress; boosts immune function; can be meditative…and is the most natural form of exercise known to man.
Swap Soda
I know you love it. I get it, but there’s no good news about soda. Every single study agrees that soda does nothing to benefit health. But I love you, so here’s a couple of lovely and yummy ways to swap that liquid poison out of your diet. Buy a natural version of your favorite in any natural food store…or simply mix sparkling water with your favorite fruit juice for a satisfying substitute.
Drink Coffee
Wha? Coffee can be good for our health? I loved it when i read this one, loving coffee as I do. New research from Japan reveals that regular coffee consumption can help small blood vessels work better, easing strain on the heart. Previous studies have shown an association between coffee drinking and lower risk of heart attack, heart disease and stroke; high doses of caffeine may improve the function of larger arteries. And, as if drinking coffee wasn’t enough, how about cooking with it?
Try A New Vegetable
Walking into a produce aisle is like walking into Disneyland for food. So try something new. Never had a parsnip? Buy a couple and then search a recipe. Worst case, you don’t like it and you try another new veggie. But it’s more likely you will discover a new food you love. And speaking of root vegetables, try my no-fail
roasted root vegetables to keep you warm, centered and strong on these chilly winter days.
Eat Breakfast
Breakfast sets the tone of the day. Your mother was right…at least about this. From whole grain toast to whole grain porridge to natural energy bars, eating breakfast ensures you have energy for the day. And if having stamina isn’t enough for you, how about this? Studies show that people who eat breakfast eat less through the day, have fewer sugar cravings and gain less weight. Breakfast anyone? To get you started, I love this yummy and easy to make
Homemade Breakfast Cereal, it is packed with protein and antioxidants so it keeps you feeling sated longer. You’ll sail right past the cookies in the break room and avoid overeating through the day.
Stay Hydrated
Sure, we can drink water and stay hydrated…but we can also eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruit which are loaded with moisture…and vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other essential nutrients. The fact that they are delicious is just icing on the cake! Pun absolutely intended! If you have any question in your mind about the importance of veggies and fruit in our diet, check out the website
Fruits & Veggies Matter.
Eat at the same time, everyday.
Our metabolism likes regularity so eating at the same time each day ensures it stays stoked. Nutrients and calories are efficiently assimilated. S-o-o-o-o-o-o if we want to maintain a healthy weight and not binge eat, eating regularly is the key.
Eat a Salad
Worried you won’t like veggies? Or that they might be too much work to add to your diet? Don’t be silly! Make a salad. You get nutrient-dense foods without breaking a sweat…and even if you change nothing else about your diet, you reap the benefits of the vitamins, minerals, moisture and fiber that are the hallmarks of salad…in the most delicious way. I love this
Crunchy Tuscan Kale Salad. It features veggie superstar, kale and is so easy to make and so delicious, you’ll find yourself making it over and over!
Eat Nuts
While a bit calorically dense, nuts provide concentrated nutrition to fuel a healthy and active lifestyle. From healthy fats to fiver and protein, nuts are a great snack to increase stamina. And, just a little goes a long way. This Lentil Waldorf Salad is great and so easy to make. Deeply nourishing because of lentils and nuts, this main course is so delicious, no one will care that it’s good for them!
Eat An Apple
The old saying turns out to be true. An apple a day just might keep the doctor away. Loaded with vitamin c, fiber and pectin, apples are nature’s way of protecting our hearts and boosting our immune function. Not only yummy and easy to make, these Cinnamon Braised Apples cover all your bases covered. With cinnamon to balance blood sugar, pectin in apples for your heart health and Vitamin C for immune supercharging, can one dish get any better?
Drink Green Tea
Green tea is so good for us, some researchers are raving. Loaded with catechins (antioxidants that prevent cell damage), this delicious tea helps lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, promotes the growth of healthy cells and helps stabilize blood sugar. And relaxing? Simply brew a cup and chill out.
Open the Window
Just 10 minutes a day of fresh air circulating through our homes can help improve our health, focus and immune function. Even on the coldest…or hottest days, be sure to refresh the air in our home by throwing open the windows!
Make Soup
Eating soup has more benefits than we can count. Its high water content helps us feel full so we eat less in a meal that begins with soup. Soup keeps us warm in winter and cool in summer. It’s a great way to add veggies to your diet. They are easy to make. Variety is limited only by what you can imagine or like. The nutrients from the ingredients are more efficiently assimilated in this warm liquid form. And did I mention they are easy to make? Simple, elegant and completely delicious, this Split Pea Cauliflower Bisque will help set your feet on the path to health and wellness.
January 19: Do Something Nice
Along with embracing joy, practicing random acts of kindness will change our lives. Helping someone cross the street; carrying groceries to someone’s car or into their house; lending a hand in the smallest way can alter our perception of modern life and give us hope for the future…and it costs…nothing.
Eat Lentils
Humble, delicious lentils cook quickly and easily and benefit our health in a number of ways. They help lower cholesterol, provide minerals essential to heart health, improve digestion, stabilize blood sugar, provide great protein, increase stamina and aid in weight loss. All this from a little bean! Try my classic Italian recipe of Hearty Lentil Soup, it’s sure to warm your day and keep your heart healthy!
Try Meatless
I know what you’re thinking. Here where she goes all tofu and sprouts on us. But the facts are clear. To create and maintain great health, we have to eat less meat…period. According to the Mayo Clinic ‘A National Cancer Institute study of 500,000 people found that those who ate the most red meat daily were 30% more likely to die of any cause during a 10-year period than were those who ate the least amount of red meat. Sausage, luncheon meats and other processed meats also increased the risk.’ So if you want to live longer, eat less meat. No one will miss the meat with these hearty Spicy Black Bean Burgers!
Have a Carrot
…Or other root vegetable if we want healthy intestines. Loaded with fiber and antioxidants, simple, humble carrots can change our digestive health. This side dish of Burdock Kinpira is like rocket fuel in a cup!
Put away the phone, tablet, laptop, computer or other device that sucks up our time and vitality if over-used. While technology has re-invented the way we do business and communicate, it’s nice to shut out the blue lighted screens and look into a pair of blue (or brown or green or grey) eyes instead.
Bake Cookies
Thick and chewy or thin and crispy; who doesn’t love cookies? We think of cookies as sweet, casual and homey, treats to enjoy at a party or a simple weeknight dinner. They are easy to make and rustic. They are small enough that you can enjoy a few without guilt. Baking soothes the senses. A whiff of the perfume of chocolate chip cookies, apple pie or cinnamon buns brings a smile to our faces every time, filling us with nostalgic memories. Touch, hearing, sight, and taste are stimulated as we knead dough, stir batter, measure ingredients…and sample our work along the way. Melt-in-your mouth delicious, these Buttery Pecan Shortbread Cookies (with no butter!) will win raves.